Hello we are Curtis and Theresa Reiki Master's. We have know each other throughout many lifetimes; we both lived our lives searching for some sort of meaning when suddenly our worlds collided. Both of us are very spiritual have known that we are not from here. Upon meeting each other we soon discovered that we were searching for the same exact thing and what we both sought was some sort of greater meaning to our existence. We believe that everyone on earth is not necessarily from earth and that some of us are Starseeds. A Starseed is an idividual that is here from other planets and civilizations in our universe. We are aware that at some point in life there are others just like us that have felt misunderstood and or unable to fit in. We believe that we have been guided to help out other Starseeds at this time. We are both here to help you realign your chakras which are focal points in the human body where psychic forces and bodily functions can merge and interact, as well as help with the universal life force energy. The energies are changing daily and there is a wonderful transformation happening on earth right now and we are being brought together at this time to assist each other. Through spiritual practice of Reiki a form of alternative medicine we will comfort you, heal you and help you remember why you are here.